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The NEW.N.E.S.S protocol is our holistic approach to overall health reclamation. The NEW.N.E.S.S Protocol was developed after years of working with clients and realising that the last piece of the physical health puzzle was the connection to emotional health. There are 5 components within the protocol which are all deeply interconnected and intertwined, which we map out for you over your time with us.


The NEW in NEW.N.E.S.S stands for Neutral Emotional Wellbeing and is the starting point for real health changes, and it acknowledges that without our emotional wellbeing, we struggle to focus and succeed in our health goals; without the mind there is no body.


Next is "N" for Nutrition, which encompasses a wide range of elements. With our emphasis on ketogenesis for healing, achieved through fasting, dietry restriction or time-restricted feeding to stimulate ketone production, it aligns perfectly with our protocol, offering profound healing benefits to both mind and body.


Exercise is next, however with an emphasis on the benefits physical activity has for our mental and physical health, we don't promote nor believe exercise is for losing weight directly, and so won't be working our clients like a T.V. show contestant! We do however, encourage exercise for strength and stability as well as mitochondrial biogenesis.


Sleep is our penultimate focal point and given we are designed to be sleeping for a third of our existence, we like our clients to give sleep the recognition it is due for impacting our mental and physical health, and the way lack of restful sleep impacts our nutrition and exercise goals too.


Finally, we understand that the Sun plays a critical role in promoting Vitamin D production within our bodies, making it an indispensable component of the NEW.N.E.S.S protocol. Vitamin D is known to stimulate and strengthen the immune system, assist in managing cholesterol levels, protect against heart disease, regulate blood pressure, support metabolism, alleviate skin issues, improve sleep patterns and quality, and act as a potent antidepressant.


Let our holistic NEW.N.E.S.S Protocol reverse your dis-ease and enrich your life in an optimum way.

  • N.E.W.N.E.S.S Protocol
  • holistic approach
  • emotional wellbeing
  • health goals
  • achieve health goals

With our holistic science based protocol, developed over almost 2 decades of research and experience, you can easily turn your lifespan into a healthspan that will free you from the burden of dis-ease!